What is sculpture?

Sculpture is the art that takes the longest to do and, arguably the finest for of fine art. Sculpture has played a major role in the evolution of western culture. For example the key indicator of the artistic achievements of Classical Antiquity, it was an important influence behind the development of Italian Renaissance art. With architecture, it was the primary form of monumental religious art which for centuries (c. 400-1800) was the driving force of the European civilization. Today sculpture is still the leading method of expressing and commemorating both historical figures and events. 

 Author 1: Micheal Binkley is one of Canada's most successful self represented artists. Micheal Binkley was born in 1960. He was primarily self taught, while a lot of other sculptors took tons of classes. He knew he wanted to be a sculptor at a very young age and now he is one of canada's leading stone sculptures. Micheal Binkley only has one gallery and it is called Binkley Sculpture Studios, and it is located in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He lives with his wife Michelle.


Author 2: Kim Adams is not as famous or as good as Micheal Binkley and does a completely different style of sculpting. Kim Adams likes to prefabricate his art and explore the different area's of social structure, the implications of technology and mobility, and the divide between life and art. Kim Adams currently lives in 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is not married and lives alone. 

 How to make paper mâché: you need flour, water, salt and baking soda. Put that in a bowl and then mix it till it has a mixture like chicken noodle soup but creamier. Dip the paper in the bowl and start creating. This recipe is non-toxic and you can use any type of paper.

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